Pedestrians and cyclists may appear on the road, at blind corners, or in poorly lit areas. Pedestrians are the most vulnerable to collisions: when a vehicle of four thousand pounds or more of steel, rubber, and glass hits a human being, it is a very uneven battle. Delivery drivers who are aware of their surroundings and drive defensively following these key points will be able to reduce accidents or avoid them entirely.
Avoiding Accidents With Pedestrians
When one vehicle hits another vehicle, the chances of personal injury or death are one in nine, but when a vehicle hits a pedestrian, there is a personal injury or death in almost every case. To avoid a collision with a pedestrian, remember these four words: Elderly, Young, Impaired, and Night:
- Elderly are very vulnerable to collisions because of poor vision or loss of hearing. Stay alert for the elderly, particularly when driving near or delivering to a nursing home.
- Young children under the age of 15 account for more than 20 percent of pedestrian fatalities each year. Young children don’t pay much attention, which is why it’s imperative for you to pay extra attention. Stay alert particularly near school zones, and when kids are heading to or from school.
- Impaired pedestrians are those under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other conditions. Studies of pedestrian collisions indicate that 35 percent or more were impaired.
- Night is an especially dangerous time to be driving, as pedestrians are the only moving objects on the road without display lights or reflectors. Pedestrians are especially difficult to see in the fall and winter months when they’re more likely to be wearing dark-colored clothing.
The law states drivers must exercise “due care” and take “proper precautions” to be a responsible driver under all circumstances. Be alert for pedestrians at all times. Always yield the right of way to pedestrians. Tap your horn lightly when they are nearby to make eye contact and make them aware of your presence. Slow down and be prepared to stop when a pedestrian could accidentally step into the path of your vehicle. Watch and check blind spots when backing up.
Safety Tips When Driving Near Bicycles and Motorcycles
Cyclists often travel on the roadway, but may also have bicycle lanes in busy intersections and roadways to ride in. They are expected to ride with the flow of traffic and obey the same rules and regulations, such as keeping to the right and signaling turns. Motorcycle drivers have the same rights on the road and must follow the same laws as motor vehicle drivers. Many cyclists do not follow these regulations, however, especially if they are younger riders.
Some important points to follow to avoid collisions with cyclists:
- Slow down when driving around them.
- If the bicyclist appears to be unaware of your presence, tap your horn to alert them.
- Stay out of bicycle lanes.
- Give bicyclists plenty of room when you overtake or pass them.
- Blind spots on side view mirrors easily hide bicycles. Look over your shoulders and track vehicles around you to minimize blind spots.
- Watch for bicyclists that may sneak between your vehicle and the curb, especially when making right-hand turns.
- Be especially watchful at night, since they may have inefficient lighting or reflectors.
Some important points to follow to avoid collisions with motorcyclists:
- Motorcycle traffic is especially heavy in the spring and summer months, so pay particular attention, as many riders are anxious to begin traveling soon after the winter season.
- Remember that they have the right to their full lane of travel just like you do. Do not crowd their lane and always give them plenty of room.
- Use a four-second following distance rule in good weather and increase the following distance in poor weather. Motorcycles can stop much faster on most surfaces than other vehicles and they generally drive slower on gravel roads due to instability.
- Blind spots on side view mirrors easily hide motorcycles. Look over your shoulders and track vehicles around you to minimize blind spots.
- Watch for motorcycles that may sneak between your car and the curb when making right turns.
Be Aware of Your Blind Spots
Scan to the left, right, and behind you by using your vehicle’s mirrors and side windows. Look over your shoulder to reveal the blind spots. Visual scanning is especially important:
- At intersections.
- When changing lanes or merging.
- Where people could unexpectedly dart into traffic, like a congested office or retail complex and neighborhoods. Always expect pedestrians!