Save up to 20% off your business insurance premiums by going direct.
The value of going direct = faster quotes, easier applications, a smoother claims process, and lower prices.

Direct Pricing

Franchisor Approved

Flexible Payment Options
Growth As Easy As ApplePie
Intrepid Direct is proud to partner with ApplePie Capital to help franchisees save money on commercial insurance.
Learn from ApplePie’s Ron Feldman and Intrepid Direct’s Alex Whittit about what franchisees need to know in order to effectively manage the costs associated with their business insurance premiums.
What We Have vs. Our Competitors
Intrepid Direct offers franchise owners savings, control, and expertise.
Work direct and save up to 20%
12 equal monthly payments
One-stop shop for all coverages, claims, and questions
Franchise-specific risk management partnerships help you reduce exposure
We're a member company of W. R. Berkley Corporation (ranked #340 on the Fortune 500 list)
We Expect Better
Since our company was founded, we have been obsessed with providing a better insurance experience. We're a partner who's always thinking about ways to help business owners minimize risk and maximize their bottom line.
From coverage to convenience, our minds are continuously thinking of our customers.