The three leading causes of accidents for delivery drivers involve backing, intersections, and rear-end collisions. We’ve compiled our top defensive driving strategies for delivery drivers for these three leading causes of accidents:
1. Backing Accidents
A backing accident is the most frequent type of accident, but often the least severe. This type of accident causes lost time, aggravation, and disruption for drivers and their employers.
Backing Accident Prevention Tips
Evaluate the area upon arrival to determine if backing is needed. When possible, pull through or back into a parking space before parking, so you can pull forward after your delivery is completed.
If backing is necessary, walk around the vehicle after returning from your delivery to inspect the surrounding area for potential hazards, obstructions, or vehicle issues. Before backing up, look back, check mirrors, and check blind spots. Back out slowly and continuously scan the area for any vehicles or pedestrians that may have moved into your path. Keep in mind you should never stare at a single object or in a single direction while backing to avoid a fixed stare or gaze.
2. Intersection Accidents
Intersections create the potential for many scenarios that lead to collisions. Other drivers often make surprising maneuvers like U-turns, wide turns, erratic turns, fast stops, etc. Driving defensively when approaching an intersection helps to predict other drivers’ maneuvers and prepares you to avoid them.
Intersection Accident Prevention Tips
- Proceed slowly when approaching intersections and watch for cross traffic, even if you have the right of way.
- Make sure the vehicle in front of you has cleared the intersection before making a right-hand turn.
- Avoid changing lanes when driving through an intersection as another vehicle may be turning from a cross street into your lane.
- When waiting at a red light, wait 2-3 seconds and check in all directions after the light turns green before proceeding through the intersection.
- Left turns can be very dangerous. Drivers approaching from the opposite direction are moving at higher speeds when you are coming from a stopped position. Even on a green arrow, proceed slowly through the intersection.
- If possible, take 3 right turns to get to your destination then a left-hand turn in front of cross traffic.
3. Rear-end Accidents
Distracted driving is the leading cause of rear-end accidents, but other contributors are: speeding, tailgating, impaired driving, and inclement weather. These accidents are less frequent but often result in severe consequences as both the driver and occupants of the front vehicle are subject to neck, back, or other injuries from the impact of rear-end collisions.
Rear-end Accident Prevention Tips
- Always follow with a minimum of 2-4 seconds behind the vehicle ahead. Increase the distance when there is inclement weather or road construction.
- Look ahead and be alert to traffic slowing or stopping before the vehicle directly in front hits its brakes.
- Avoid speeding and quick starting and stopping in heavy traffic.
- Eliminate distractions such as using a cell phone for calling or texting, adjusting anything on the dashboard, checking your GPS, or any other activity that takes your attention away from driving.
Key Points to Remember as a Defensive Driver
It’s common for people to think that being safe on the road only requires that they be a safe driver and maneuver correctly. However, defensive driving is a must as it saves time, money, and lives despite the actions of others and the conditions around you. Never place the delivery of an item above the safety of yourself and others. By following these tips, delivery drivers can take a proactive approach to accident prevention through defensive driving.