Slam Dunk On Safety

Defend against the Madness of March with these safety tips for preventing injuries and accidents during tournament time, or any time.
man in silhouette slam-dunking a basketball

Defend against the Madness of March with these safety tips for preventing injuries and accidents during tournament time, or any time.


    • At the door: Place non-slip mats where floors tend to get wet. (Think: doors, soda machines, ice machines, and sink areas … just to name a few!)
    • Proceed with caution: After mopping, in times of wet weather, or whenever a hazard is identified, make sure caution signs are consistently placed. These signs alert customers AND employees to proceed carefully. Leave signs out until the hazard is no longer present.
    • Seating safety: Tables, seating, and high chairs should be sturdy and well-maintained.
    • Don’t forget the bathroom: Check bathrooms to make sure the stalls and sink areas are free of debris on a regular basis. Fix water leaks to prevent wet floors and make sure all bathroom fixtures are functioning properly.
    • In the kitchen: Sharpen knives, require the use of cut-resistant mesh gloves and teach proper slicing techniques to prevent cuts and lacerations.
    • Behind the scenes: Ensure cleanliness with a front and back-of-the-store cleaning schedule.
    • Setting reasonable expectations: When demand is high, remind order takers to communicate increased delivery times to customers. Setting reasonable expectations with customers prevents your drivers from behaving in a reckless manner to meet deadlines.

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