Let’s dive into the crucial steps business owners can take to safeguard their business operations and the well-being of those within their care during rainstorms.
1. Premesis Safety
- Floor mats should be present at each entryway of the property. Change them out if they become saturated as mats should be absorbing water from shoes.
- Place a bucket or another large receptacle by the entrance and encourage customers to put umbrellas there rather than allow umbrellas to drip throughout the property.
- As frequently as possible, have a teammate clean up any tracked water on the floor.
- Use WET FLOOR signs.
- Check restrooms more frequently and document the safety check. Insurance providers see a lot of alleged slips and falls in restrooms because savvy claimants know there is no camera.
- Check the exterior lighting. Make sure lighting is on during a rainstorm, even during the day. Make sure all lights are functioning and aimed properly.
2. Prepare Vehicles to Perform
- Check wiper blades and replace them if they are worn or leave streaks on the windshield.
- Consider applying Rain-X or a similar product to increase visibility.
- Check headlights, breaklights, and turn signals for proper orientation.
- Move any vehicles you will not be using during the storm to higher ground in case of flooding.
3. Reinforce Safe Driving Habits
- Remind delivery drivers that safety is the most important part of their job.
- Headlights should be on for increased visibility.
- Slow down when driving as the combination of water and oil on the road creates slick spots, and allow plenty of distance from nearby vehicles.
- If you hydroplane, take your foot off of the accelerator. Do not break suddenly.
- Visibility is crucial. Do not outdrive your vision, and if the rainfall gets so heavy that you can barely see ahead of your car, pull over and wait until the rain slows down and you can see again.
- Avoid driving through puddles and running water. If water gets into your engine compartment, it can cause serious damage. Also, it’s difficult to judge how deep any water on the road might be – don’t put you and your vehicle into unnecessary danger.
4. Delivery Safety
- Delivery drivers need to pay extra attention to safety when getting the product from their cars to the customer.
- Use a flashlight to illuminate the path, and do not step blindly.
- Avoid rushing water.
- Do not step on unpaved ground near drops offs as it could give way.
- If using an umbrella, consider alternative ways to light the way: headlamps, a phone tucked into the waistband, etc.
- If it doesn’t look safe, call the customer and arrange a safe handoff.