Accidents Happen.
Report A Claim.
We’re Here to Help
Claim Forms
Reporting an incident the moment it happens helps your insurance provider quickly determine how best to assist you.
Our goal is to help your organization avoid further damage, expense, and legal risk when the unfortunate occurs.

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I report a claim?
The best way to report a claim is through the Intrepid Direct Customer Portal.
Customer Portal: https://my.intrepiddirect.com/
Need access? Email our Customer Support Team at [email protected].
If you don’t have a login, you can complete a Claim Form.
What’s considered a claim?
What on earth is a claim? When in doubt, ask us!
In general terms, it depends on what kind of insurance policy you have. Here are some examples of the most common claim situations:
Hired & Non Owned Auto Policy
- Delivery driver accidents in which the driver damages someone else’s car, house, fence, tree, etc. while using their own vehicle should always be reported.
Package Policy (Includes General Liability, Property, Owned Auto)
- Accidents and injuries, in or out of the store, that involve your customers should always be reported.
- Damage to your property should always be reported.
- Accidents involving vehicles scheduled on your policy should always be reported, regardless of who is at fault.
Work Comp Policy
- When an employee is injured at work and it’s necessary to seek medical treatment, a claim should be reported.
How do I contact the Claims department?
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 855.217.1550
How do I find my claim number and adjuster information?
Claim numbers and adjuster information can be found on the Intrepid Direct Portal. You can also contact the Claims Department by email at [email protected] or by phone at 855.217.1550 to request this information.